aktuelle kunst in graz is a network of art and cultural institutions in Graz. Here you can find details about the venues and the programme on display.
esc media art laboratory

Bürgergasse 5 Palais Trauttmansdorff

8010 Graz

  • Production space
  • Exhibition space
  • Art Association
  • Cultural Center
Opening hours

Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 14:00-19:00

and by appointment

Opening hours during the Gallery Days 10-12.5.2024

Fri: All exhibition venues are open until 10pm.
Sat: All exhibition venues are open from 11am - 7pm.
Sun: All exhibition venues are open from 11am - 5pm.


Contact and Social Media


+43 316/836 000


further link


  • accessible toilets
  • assistance available if needed
  • everything is accessible

esc media art laboratory

The central task of esc medien kunst labor is the production of art. The main focus is on the close observation and seismographic recording of artistic processes that investigate and deal with socio-political developments (information and biotechnologies, socio-economic systems) and new technologies (hardware and software). The artistic activities are determined by the fact that art is understood as a subsystem of societal and social reality; the media-specific aspect is derived from the designation of this reality by "new" cultural technologies ["new media"].

The esc mkl is programmatically oriented towards the interests of artists as well as current research projects of scientists and theorists. The idea of networking finds expression in the continuous exchange with international artist collectives and the participation in international joint projects.

  • Exhibition

5/10/2024 - 7/26/2024

Who is playing with us?

What is at stake? Who is playing with us? Who is playing along? What role does art play, what rules does it obey? The spectrum ranges from an understanding of play as an example for creative engagement with the world, in which the homo ludens develops their cultural and personal abilities about the importance of the aesthetic and the playful as the antithesis of instrumental reason, as Marcuse associates the term with freedom and thus interpreted it politically, to the play with and around reality; from the exploitation of players playing games to those forms of propaganda, political agitation, manipulation and targeted disinformation that, by playing their games with reality, successively transform it into a gaming environment.

  • Artists:
  • Matthew Gardiner, Matajuegos, Madalina Nicolae, Marc Teyssier, Vivien Roussel, Christine Schörkhuber et al.

-> Opening SAT 5/11/2024 6:45 PM

  • Wer spielt mit uns?
    Opening and tour with Matthew Gardiner (AUS/AUT), Madalina Nicolae (FRA), Vivien Roussel (FRA), Christine Schörkhuber (AUT) a.o.

-> Opening Party SAT 5/11/2024 7:30 PM

-> Tour SUN 5/12/2024 2:00 PM

  • Tour with Tanja Gurke
    Start 2:00 pm at QL-GALERIE Endri Dani
    Next stations:
    ESC MEDIEN KUNST LABOR Wer spielt mit uns?
    REINISCH CONTEMPORARY SOS – Sabine Wiedenhofer