-> Film screening FRI 5/10/2024 8:30 PM
ZUGANG Kollektiv
Über Bedingungen
Opening hours depend on the project
Opening hours during the Gallery Days 10-12.5.2024
Fri: All exhibition venues are open until 10pm.
Sat: All exhibition venues are open from 11am - 7pm.
Sun: All exhibition venues are open from 11am - 5pm.
RHIZOM is permanently established in Graz and conceives itself as a non-hierarchically organized collective. RHIZOM features the infracultural background for individual and collective artistic autonomy.
Our work focuses on international projects of cultural exchange on the one hand and on local conditions and ongoing events on the other. RHIZOM pursues intuitive, transdisciplinary and participatory context-art. The objective is to make our own cultural concepts more transparent, to perceive the “very different beast”, to find new points of contact and to connect what has not been connected in that specific way before. The artistic approach follows a process-oriented, open conceptual design, in which medial possibilities are being tested allowing for on-site reaction. In the end it is content which determines the medium.
Issues of form, conditions and value of non-commercial art-work are integral parts of RHIZOM-art.
Das ist ein Rückblick.
Foto: Clara Wildberger
5/10/2024 - 5/12/2024
Schwester Courage, a film by the Berlin ZUGANG collective that documents the protests against the corona measures: Demonstrators staging themselves. On stages. On screens. Narratives are repeated. Community is sworn in. Guilty parties are announced. Theatre that plays reality. In hospitals. In the footsteps of Bertolt Brecht. Caravaggio. On the street. In front of the empty health centre. And empty Berlin. At night. Places that become backdrops by day.
-> Film screening FRI 5/10/2024 8:30 PM
ZUGANG Kollektiv
Über Bedingungen
-> Film screening SAT 5/11/2024 5:00 PM
ZUGANG Kollektiv
Über Bedingungen
„Tag X“
-> Film screening SUN 5/12/2024 3:00 PM
ZUGANG Kollektiv
Über Bedingungen
-> Film screening SUN 5/12/2024 6:00 PM
ZUGANG Kollektiv
Über Bedingungen