aktuelle kunst in graz is a network of art and cultural institutions in Graz. Here you can find details about the venues and the programme on display.
< rotor >

Volksgartenstraße 6a

8020 Graz

  • Gallery non-profit
  • Exhibition space
  • Art Association
  • Cultural Center
  • Library
Opening hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 10:00-18:00

Sat 12:00-16:00

Wed until 22:00

Sundays and public holidays closed

Opening hours during the Gallery Days 10-12.5.2024

Fri: All exhibition venues are open until 10pm.
Sat: All exhibition venues are open from 11am - 7pm.
Sun: All exhibition venues are open from 11am - 5pm.


Contact and Social Media


+43 316/688 306


Hashtags: #rotorgraz

further link


  • stairs at the entrance
  • assistance available if needed

< rotor >

Centre for Contemporary Art

< rotor > is a center for contemporary art located in Graz, Austria. We communicate contemporary art to a broad public, focusing on artistic works that explicitly deal with the social, political, ecological and economic questions of the present day.

Promoting cooperation and networked action are essential elements of the < rotor > philosophy. This concerns networking efforts within the art field but also means acting beyond the boundaries of art by involving people and organisations from different backgrounds in the programming.

The search for satisfactory methods of collaboration and possibilities of participation in artistic processes for the public in general or for specific target audiences is another main focus.

For < rotor >, the public space is an important setting to make art happen. Leaving the boundaries of the art space is used to actively bring people into contact with art and thus to expand the audience.

  • Exhibition

4/2/2024 - 5/18/2024


Artistic Positions on Endangered Biodiversity and the Coexistence of Species

Until recently, an exhibition organised by < rotor > titled EX-SITU was on display in Sarajevo. It was dedicated to the endangered Bosnian mountain newt, which the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is working to preserve.
The title IN-SITU of the current exhibition refers to the greater horseshoe bat, an endangered bat species whose last breeding colony in Austria is located in the attic of Schloss Eggenberg, Graz.

The exhibited artworks are situated in the field of tension between nature, human activity and (species) diversity versus endangered forms of life in the Capitalocene.

  • Artists:
  • Darko Aleksovski • Lamija Čehajić • Anita Fuchs • Teuta Gatolin • Ralo Mayer • Irena Lagator Pejović • Nada Prlja • Oliver Ressler • Adrienn Újházi / Nemanja Milenković • Driant Zeneli • Dardan Zhegrova
  • curated by:
  • Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer
  • Support:
  • The IN-SITU exhibition is based on a project in Sarajevo, which was commissioned by the Cultural Department of the State of Styria following an initiative by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. < rotor > is furthermore supported by: Kulturamt der Stadt Graz, Bundeskanzleramt – Sektion Kunst, MIT LOIDL ODER CO. GRAZ, mur.at, European Solidarity Corps, Members of < rotor and Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur

-> Tour SAT 5/11/2024 11:00 AM

  • Tour with Lisa Ortner-Kreil
    Start 11:00 am at < ROTOR> IN-SITU
    Next stations:
    ROOM OF FINE ARTS Michael Kienzer, Anneliese Schrenk

-> Kurator:innenrundgang SAT 5/11/2024 3:00 PM

  • IN – SITU.
    Künstlerische Positionen zu bedrohter Biodiversität und dem Zusammenleben der Spezies